Nothing Left to Burn, 2009

Nothing Left to Burn (back), 2009

Knock Knock 911, 2007

Knock Knock 911 (back), 2007

Thank God I'm an Atheist, 2009

Thank God I'm an Atheist (back), 2009

Cheer for Choice/ Keep Abortion Legal, 2009

Cheer for Choice/ Keep Abortion Legal (detail), 2009

Smash Monogamy, 2009

Cunty First, 2009

Live For It, 2009

Live for it (back), 2009

I Love my Feral Cat, I Spade my Feral Cat, 2009

If Nothing Changes, It Changes Nothing, 2009

If Nothing Changes, It Changes Nothing (back), 2009

Everything I Touch Turns to Mold, 2009

Everything I Touch Turns to Mold (back), 2009